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Does FINRA regulate crypto assets?

FINRA has been regulating crypto asset activities of our member firms for quite some time now. And currently, there are 26 member firms approved solely to engage in crypto asset securities business. Now the crypto asset market is seeing explosive growth and product expansion despite the recent downturn.

Why did FINRA create a crypto hub in 2022?

Please check the corresponding audio before quoting in print. Kaitlyn Kiernan: In 2022, FINRA developed its enterprise-wide strategy to ensure it is prepared for an evolving crypto asset regulatory landscape with the creation of the Crypto Hub, the Blockchain Lab and the Crypto Asset Investigations Team.

What is FINRA doing in 2022?

Subscribe to our show on Apple Podcasts, Google Play and by RSS. In 2022, FINRA developed an enterprise-wide strategy to ensure it is prepared for an evolving crypto asset regulatory landscape and created the Crypto Hub, the Blockchain Lab and the Crypto Asset Investigations Team.

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